In my long career as a law enforcement officer, I was able to personally check and touch as the act of committing suicide has many different facets. The act of suicide may be the consequence of the decision taken in a flash, or the thoughtful consideration that maybe lasts for months or years.
No one denies that many people in the world commit suicide every day without ever having touched a drug in their life. But we can not ignore the disproportionate number of people who commit suicide solely because of drugs. And suicide under the influence of psycotropic drugs is particular, different from others.
Let’s step back a little.
Suicide, as I have just said, it is a serious matter, and no one can deny that. But the way you commit suicide is something equally serious. Why are police officers more likely to so-called impulsive suicide?
Because the availability of a firearm makes this gesture simpler, less bloody.
Imagine having to defend against an attacker with a knife. Not everyone would be able to have the necessary “oomph” to stab someone, and pull a trigger is much easier, it almost seems not to hurt anyone. You will not feel the impact of the meat with a knife … it’s just like if you delegate the bullet the task of doing harm.
The same happens for suicide. Shooting yourself, jumping out of a window, overdosing with pills is far different from hanging yourself. Suicide by hanging and that by overdosing with drugs are those that mostly involve people whose brain is no longer under their control.
In fact, you can commit suicide perfectly aware you want to do it. But with the drugs is different: they are the ones that push you to do so when it is the last thing you want to do.
It happened many times to me to witness suicides by hanging. And, in fact, I thought a lot on the degree of despair that could have led an individual to commit this act. I was wrong. It was not despair but unconsciousness.Yes, unconsciousness.
The drugs in general, but especially SSRI antidepressants (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and then Fluoxetine – Prozac – Paroxetine – Paxil, Sereupin, Seroxat, Eutimil, Daparox – Sertraline – Zoloft – Citalopram – Elopram, Seropram – , Escitalopram – Cipralex, Entact -) and those of category SNRI (Selective Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors, and then venlafaxine – Efexor – Duloxetine – Cymbalta, Xeristar) and all the generics of these drugs have a strong relationship with violence. But violence against others will be a future topic entitled “ATTENTION TO YOUR WIFE UNDER PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS: DANGER OF DEATH”, now I dwell on that against yourself.
Unconsciousness I said. Yes, because only a blind man wouldn’t be able to see that these categories of drugs interfere in a manner so monstrous with the biochemistry of the brain to make the gesture of suicide even desired. And who does it, usually does so in a totally quiet manner.
Usually, in fact, nothing transpires, indeed. So what happens in reality? The person begins to suffer from “depression” for whatever reason, be it organic, psychological, environmental, or all three.
The person visits a psychiatrist (when not only a simple primary care physician), which prescribes in a five minute visit an SSRI or SNRI, without investigating, without understanding the basics of the problem, nothing. The victim begins to take the prescribed medication, and the cases are divided here:
option “1”: after a few weeks of nausea, side effects of any kind, blunders, physical distress, the person begins to “feel good”, then appears on the face the so-called “smile of a madman,” and all shout to the miracle. In this case we have a person that is likely to remain chained for life to the drug, or will be taken forever with periods of suspension;
option “2” means the person is sick now, with episodes of mental and physical destabilization very strong. And usually the smart doctor , ignorant on the subject, thinks that the body should “get used” to the drug (such as whether it is possible to get used to a poison!) And says to hold on. This leads to the inevitable suicide by hanging, if not to other acts of a violent nature against themselves and others;
option “3”: the person is feeling bad right from the start, with episodes of mental and physical destabilization very strong. In this case, however, the doctor, even more ignorantly, after a period with no results, raise your dose. This leads to the inevitable suicide by hanging, if not to other acts of a violent nature against themselves and others.
I fully understand that summarize the immense series is utopian, but also presumptuous.
But what I want you to understand is that these particular categories of drugs lead to suicide causing it to become a normal gesture. So if you have a loved one who has, however, decided to take these drugs, absolutely monitor him/her during:
-The very early stages of the “cure” (even the first pill);
-Whenever you decide to raise your dose;
-When you scale to eliminate it, or even to try to assume a lower dose.
And, no doctor will ever tell you to pay attention to periods of calm. Suicide by hanging, so typical of these drugs, comes into being in complete calm. A large number of cases, especially in the United States, have shown, that those who have committed such acts seemed very calm, even had dinner with loved ones, then go hanging in the tavern or in their own room. This happens even in children, such as Candace Downing, who committed suicide at 12 years by hanging under Zoloft.
And for those who still decided to take these drugs: at the first idea of death, please immediately talk with a loved one. Because when the drug has taken control of your actions, you will not be you.
It takes your life.